Desire, oh Desire!
There is no stronger beast I'd rather fight.
Desire, oh my Desire!
Your force annihilates me and my sight.
I always wondered where you feed,
Enchanting demon, oh, Desire!
What kind of soul food do you crave and steal,
And wash in fire, Desire?
Beautiful inducer of daydreams, rich kings, happenings,
You turn all things real.
Miraculously removing all doubts, all faults,
All whispered sounds you seal.
Oh, desire! Enchanting as Lucile,
Devouring a midnight dream.
With sinful, eccentric colors you scream,
You scheme, you stream, Desire!
From passion, lust, dust from ruinous fire,
Suppressing breaths and deaths,
Your roots in cosmic depths.
What kind of illusion can ever break free,
From such confusion you create?
What kind of willpower, man-made,
Can rise above your cruel fate and your empire, Desire?
Descender of Seth, epitome of human regret,
Oh, you flawless portrait!
To no effect, can anyone forget...
Desire - alluring silhouette, collector of soul debt,
Rational mind threat, midwinter's cold sweat.
You see, Desire!? When all emotions flow rhythmically
With the waves of life, the fear, the strife,
Your stab - a knife, you're the tornado I bet,
Swallowing lives, no net, can save innocence from your jet.
You're set to squeeze a lucid dream in your tightest corset.
The pain and torture you enact,
Pitiful souls you extract,
In fact, you're Force, Desire,
Can make Death itself react.
No trap can ever catch you and your lies, you're a liar, Desire!
In mischievous ways you attract, distract, impact,
You lure, you blur, ensure, incredible outcomes
And Perfection itself kneels in front of your allure!
